Purchasing and Usage Guide for Crusher Hammers
Crusher hammer, one of the most common attachments for excavators, is now widely used in various workplaces such as mines, railways, roads, and municipal projects. This article introduces tips for selecting and using crusher hammers.

How to Choose the Right Crusher Hammer

1. Excavator Weight and Bucket Capacity: Consider the weight of the excavator, as an excessively heavy hammer can lead to the excavator tipping over, while one that is too small may not achieve economic efficiency. Matching the weights of both is crucial for optimal performance.

2. Hammer Flow Rate and Pressure: Hydraulic crusher hammers come in different sizes concerning their flow rates. The flow rate determines the working frequency, i.e., the number of impacts per minute. Ensure that the hammer's flow rate requirement aligns with the output flow rate of the excavator's spare valve to prevent excess heat generation and potential damage to the hydraulic system.

3. Structural Design: There are three common designs for hydraulic crusher hammers: triangular, rectangular, and silenced. Triangular and rectangular designs have drawbacks such as noise, loose or fractured side plates, and inadequate protection for the hammer. The silenced design, enclosing the hammer completely, provides better protection, reduces noise, and minimizes vibrations, addressing issues of plate loosening. This design represents the global market trend.

How to Use Crusher Hammer Correctly

1. Pre-Operation Inspection and Maintenance: Before commencing work, conduct a comprehensive inspection. Check for loose hydraulic hoses and any signs of oil leakage. Regularly inspect the nitrogen pressure inside the hammer.

2. Vertical Striking: Place the chisel vertically on the target object before starting the hammer. Ensure stability before activating the crusher. Throughout the operation, maintain the vertical orientation to prevent chisel misalignment, potential damage, or decreased efficiency.

3. Avoid Striking Without a Target: Refrain from operating the crusher without a target object. Cease operation immediately upon crushing the intended rock or object. Unnecessary and continuous impacts may damage the hammer's components and the excavator's arm.

4. Do Not Push Heavy Objects with the Hammer: Avoid using the crusher's protective plate to push heavy objects, as this can lead to screw fractures, rod damage, and hammer breakage.

5. Do Not Shake the Hammer: During operation, refrain from shaking the hammer excessively, as it can cause screw and rod fractures.

6. Avoid Operating in Water: Crusher hammers are not sealed structures, and submersion in water can damage piston cylinders and contaminate the excavator's hydraulic system. Therefore, avoid working in rainy or waterlogged conditions.

7. Optimal Striking Time: If striking a particular point continuously for over a minute does not break the target, change the striking point to prevent excessive wear on the chisel rod.

8. Avoid Operating with Fully Extended or Retracted Hydraulic Cylinders: Operating the hammer with fully extended or retracted hydraulic cylinders can result in severe damage to the excavator. Always ensure the hydraulic cylinders are at an intermediate position.

9. Correctly utilizing a crusher hammer is crucial for efficient and safe operation. Following these guidelines will enhance the longevity of the equipment, prevent unnecessary damage, and contribute to the overall effectiveness of crushing operations.
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